Cbd Oil For Dogs With Cancer: Is It Really Effective?

Cbd Oil For Dogs With Cancer: Is It Really Effective?

Cannabis is categorized as an illegal drug, but it’s also been found to have medical benefits. Research has shown that it may relieve pain and nausea, act as a sedative or anticonvulsant, and decrease cancer cell growth among other things. There are other reports claiming that CBD oil for dogs with cancer can be beneficial in a number of ways: those claims include improved appetite and an increase in exercise capacity. One study showed the effects of using Cannabis oil for dogs with cancer who were fed just 25 milligrams of the substance over three months.

CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: Scientific Research

In the first of many studies looking into the effects of CBD, a study was conducted on 36 dogs with cancer. The dogs had different types of tumors, so the results may vary depending on what type of cancer your dog has. The CBD oil that was used in the study contained zero THC. 8 out of 10 dogs showed no signs of toxicity or adverse effects. The remaining 2 dogs manifested depression and eventually died. 15 out of 18 dogs showed slower tumor growth, so the use of CBD oil for dogs with cancer can slow down the growth rate and help improve your dog’s quality of life.

Cannabis oil for dogs with cancer

CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: Treating Pain and Stress

One study examining the effectiveness of CBD for dogs with cancer looked at pain management. The study involved administering CBD oil for dogs with cancer to dogs who were already being treated for cancer. The results confirmed that CBD oil can help ease pain from the cancer and its treatments. As an added bonus, studies have also shown that CBD can work as an anti-inflammatory agent and relieve allergic hypersensitivity. These are just a few examples of what CBD oil for dogs with cancer can do. More studies are needed in order to confirm these findings, but early indications point to a promising future for dogs living with cancer.

CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: Improving Quality of Life

Some cancer treatments cause a lot of stress, and CBD oil for dogs with cancer can help your dog sleep and cope with the stress that comes along with it. CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, and it has been shown to relieve painful symptoms associated with arthritis. In addition to relieving pain, studies have also shown that CBD oil for dogs with cancer can decrease anxiety, increase appetite, and improve overall quality of life through improved mobility. More research is needed to fully understand this effect, but early results are promising.